Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I very well may be the most sporadic blogger in the history of blogging.

That being said, I will post a brief post today about the beauty of the Greatest State in the Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth!


It is spring here in the Lone Star State and spring brings our stunning Bluebonnets out! 

(lots of exclamation points being used this morning)

I mean, seriously, can you get any more gorgeous than that?!

Oh, wait, sure can.  Look at that good looking group :)

These photos were from Easter Sunday.  We took a wonderful drive after church, had a picnic and just basked in the beauty that God created.  It was a pretty great day.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bible Reading Journal Worksheet

Anyone who knows me knows I love worksheets.  I love creating them, I love how they simplify the task at hand, I just love worksheets.  I have searched for a worksheet for Bible reading for a while.  I wanted something that was kind of like a study guide, but not specific for a certain section of the Bible.  Something that personalized the scripture I read for me.  Something with girly font and flowers.  Something that was set up for my ideal Bible reading time.  The searching took too long so I just made my own...

(scanned image with added border, the link is a pdf doc)

My basic plan is:

1)  Open with a Praise and Worship song to get your heart in the right place.
2)  Read the chosen selection.  I don't follow a Bible reading plan.  I've tried for years and then always end up feeling like a failure.
3)  Journal my thoughts.
4)  Pray.
5)  End with a Praise and Worship song.

The selection can be whatever length I have time for that day.  The peace comes from spending that time with God, 10 minutes, an hour.  Just something, some time.  I think we all need a section of our day to just catch our breath and let go of all of the craziness in our lives.  I tried to share my worksheet below.  I'm not a serious, professional type blogger so I kind of lack some techie skills, but I hope it works and perhaps someone will find it useful for them!

Bible Reading Journal Worksheet

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Time That Is Given

As I drove my kids to school today I had on talk radio.  This promoted discussion amongst my teenagers about world events, which I love.  We discussed the internet tax and the ammo ban, the Constitution and how governments grab more power and control over its citizens while the unknowing masses watch Hollywood trash.  And my already heavy heart grew heavier.

My babies are growing up in a world I don't even recognize anymore.  Our world is burning and spinning out of control.  I always thought of America as the voice of reason and strength throughout the globe, but what happens when that voice is gone?

I suppose that is the time we get on our knees and pray.  This world needs God.  This nation needs God.  I need God.

We are given time, it is a gift from a merciful and loving God.  And when I'm feeling helpless I need to realize that is something I can do; use the time that I am given for good.  Use the time that I am given to pray for God's healing to be poured out upon our broken world because it needs healing that only the Creator can provide.

So when you feel out of control, when you feel like things are moving too fast, things are too horrible and your heart is overwhelmed from the weight of the world's burdens, think about the time that you are given and use it well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Seasoned Nurses

There is something to be said for old nurses.  I used to be the youngest, most inexperienced nurse on nights...

Those were the days.  I had terrific mentors with a wealth of knowledge.  Granted they weren't always super excited about having to teach me and labor and delivery can be so hectic.  But the stories they could tell and the things they had seen.  Amazing!

Now I'm finding myself at the top of the schedule list because these amazing ladies left, retired and even worse, switched to days! (Gasp!)  Now I'm the mentor and the resource, wait, what???? 

I'm not sure how I feel about that. 

One thing I am sure about, I miss them terribly.  In their late forties and fifties (and one in her sixties), they could out work most of these younger nurses.  They just seemed different.  Strong, independent, confident.  I'm not sure I appear that way to the newer nurses that have come after me.  Maybe...I hope so. 

One thing I do know, they were AWESOME.

Monday, February 9, 2015

30 Days, 7 1/2 Months...Give or take

Well, over half a year has passed by without me journaling on here.  Have I done anything major?  No, not really.  Have I lost an incredible amount of weight?  Nope.

(Actually, I think I gained...)

Do I need a swift kick in the pants?  You betcha! 

I had the blogger app removed from my phone to make room for time wasting apps (way too many games which have been removed).  Now I'm putting it back on as a way to help me not be a complete slacker.

I guess one major thing has changed.  I have become a vegetarian *much to my husband's dismay :-).   I originally did it to see if it would help with my achy joints, you know, anti inflammation, blah, blah, blah.  And it did...whether it is all in my head, who knows!  But it has been 7 + months and my knees and hips aren't killing, even after a 12 hour shift, so...I'll take it.  You would think that a vegetarian diet would help for weight loss and it did (initially), but then I realized 'I'm vegetarian, not vegan.  Vegetarians can have bread and cake!'

No bueno.

Anyway, here's to new beginnings and stick~to~itiveness!  Huzzahhh!

P.S.  The hubs wasn't excited about the earthy, granola, hippie aspect of vegetarianism.  He was like, 'as long as you're not doing this because you feel sad for all of the furry animals.'  And I was like, 'no.'

(Now, secretly, I smell BBQ and it smells delicious, but it's been soooo long that now all I can think about are cute, furry animals!  Shhhhhh!)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

30 Day Happiness Challenge

I have been pondering the subject of happiness.  Sometimes it completely eludes me.  Often I feel like Elizabeth Bennet: "The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it."  It made me wonder, how do people maintain happiness when the world around them is immoral and seems, well, a bit hopeless.

Well I guess 'maintain' might not be the right word.  A person cannot be continuously happy.  There has to be some sadness and some vexations in life that alter a person's happiness level.  I just notice that I allow a lot of things to vex me.  I seem to be irritated and angry more than sad or depressed.  I think I will make a list of things that upset me and try to avoid those.  And make a separate list of things that make me happy and take more time doing those.  Seems like a pretty simple solution!

I shall make a challenge of it!

The 30 Day Happiness Challenge
  *Everyday take at least 3 photos of things that make you happy.

Day 1:

Wildflowers!  I love spring in Texas.  Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, Buttercups...they spring up everywhere and are so pretty.

This rooster...he sits in the backyard and well, just look at him!  He is awesome!  A bit stern and his feet are a curious green color, but something about him is total happiness.

Sunshine peeking through the tree with a gorgeous blue sky background.  What's not to love about that?

Wow, I've already discovered 3 things that make me happy by 10 a.m.  Perhaps, this will be easier than I thought.  I am eager to determine if searching for things that make me happy will actually divert my emotions and bring me to a happier state...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Simplicity 2615

So, for my first disaster of a project I'm going to try this:

Simplicity 2615 - I like the fact that the package says "easy-to-sew" and the notions section doesn't list a zipper.  I'm not ready for that level of frustration yet.  I'm going to attempt dress 'B' (the top dress on the model), but maybe give it just a bit more length to cover up my scarred knees.  *personal side note:  one knee has a scar from stitches when I was in 2nd grade and I was wearing roller skates and me and my sister thought it would be a good idea if I grabbed onto the back of her banana seat on her bike and she pulled me...let's just say that hitting a rock with your roller skate wheel while your sister is pedaling like a bat out of H-E-double hockey sticks will land you in the ER; other knee has a bigger scar from a motor vehicle accident...knee straight through the radio on a crazy road in West Texas).

I'm going to use this fabric:

I've already decided to not bother with interfacing and try making some bias tape in the green.  The solid green will also be the belt and ties.

On another side note:

This is where Penelope Jane sits when I'm at the computer in the den:

This is what she does when I don't let her sit in my lap while I'm at the computer:

And then she wins:

Maybe this is why I don't get much done...