Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Casual Cos - The Coronation of Gwen

Gwen took a while to grow on me as a Merlin character.  But by the end of the series I really liked her.  The series finale - I was so sad for her.  I didn't see the ending coming at all...So, in honor of her royal highness is this Polyvore creation.  :)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Casual Cos - Arthur, King of Camelot

It's been a while since I posted, well, anything.  I had this King Arthur inspired outfit saved on my Polyvore, so here is a quick post for today.

I absolutely love the top and cardigan!  I can't wait for the weather to turn cooler.  In Texas, sometimes that's not until December!  We did get a cold front for a couple of days a while back and it was marvelous, but it didn't last long, alas.  Oh well, I said a quick post so let me not run on.  Errands and cleaning await!  Allonsy!