
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Bible Reading Journal Worksheet

Anyone who knows me knows I love worksheets.  I love creating them, I love how they simplify the task at hand, I just love worksheets.  I have searched for a worksheet for Bible reading for a while.  I wanted something that was kind of like a study guide, but not specific for a certain section of the Bible.  Something that personalized the scripture I read for me.  Something with girly font and flowers.  Something that was set up for my ideal Bible reading time.  The searching took too long so I just made my own...

(scanned image with added border, the link is a pdf doc)

My basic plan is:

1)  Open with a Praise and Worship song to get your heart in the right place.
2)  Read the chosen selection.  I don't follow a Bible reading plan.  I've tried for years and then always end up feeling like a failure.
3)  Journal my thoughts.
4)  Pray.
5)  End with a Praise and Worship song.

The selection can be whatever length I have time for that day.  The peace comes from spending that time with God, 10 minutes, an hour.  Just something, some time.  I think we all need a section of our day to just catch our breath and let go of all of the craziness in our lives.  I tried to share my worksheet below.  I'm not a serious, professional type blogger so I kind of lack some techie skills, but I hope it works and perhaps someone will find it useful for them!

Bible Reading Journal Worksheet

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