
Thursday, May 1, 2014

30 Day Happiness Challenge

I have been pondering the subject of happiness.  Sometimes it completely eludes me.  Often I feel like Elizabeth Bennet: "The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it."  It made me wonder, how do people maintain happiness when the world around them is immoral and seems, well, a bit hopeless.

Well I guess 'maintain' might not be the right word.  A person cannot be continuously happy.  There has to be some sadness and some vexations in life that alter a person's happiness level.  I just notice that I allow a lot of things to vex me.  I seem to be irritated and angry more than sad or depressed.  I think I will make a list of things that upset me and try to avoid those.  And make a separate list of things that make me happy and take more time doing those.  Seems like a pretty simple solution!

I shall make a challenge of it!

The 30 Day Happiness Challenge
  *Everyday take at least 3 photos of things that make you happy.

Day 1:

Wildflowers!  I love spring in Texas.  Bluebonnets, Indian Paintbrushes, Buttercups...they spring up everywhere and are so pretty.

This rooster...he sits in the backyard and well, just look at him!  He is awesome!  A bit stern and his feet are a curious green color, but something about him is total happiness.

Sunshine peeking through the tree with a gorgeous blue sky background.  What's not to love about that?

Wow, I've already discovered 3 things that make me happy by 10 a.m.  Perhaps, this will be easier than I thought.  I am eager to determine if searching for things that make me happy will actually divert my emotions and bring me to a happier state...

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