
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Texas Special Session

Governor Rick Perry is not allowing mob rule when it comes to the abortion legislation, which I whole heartedly support.  As an L&D nurse I see fetal demises (naturally occurring) and it never ceases to amaze me how formed these babies are.  I believe in life at conception (which many people argue), but no one can argue the tiny human 20 week gestation body.  If they do then they deserve the title of 'murderer'.  I have seen babies born alive, trying to live.  How these women can stand and selfishly say that they are standing for women's rights is beyond me. 

To the women that support abortion - You know what ladies - get over yourself.  Grow up.  You think you are old enough to have sex then pick your big girl panties back up off the floor and take responsibilities for your actions. 

Do I believe that there are some horrible cases of rape and incest that occur?  Yes.  I have had a teenage patient that was raped and got pregnant.  That young girl made the decision to keep her baby because she knew it wasn't the baby's fault.  I have also had several patients recently who were working on their fifth or sixth pregnancy, but only had one living because the others were abortions.  One of them even told me that she deserved to get an epidural this time because she managed to not have another baby since her first one.  She got pregnant and then aborted the next three.  Way to go.  What a model of motherhood.  The need for abortion due to rape and incest argument is very few and far between, but the abortion as a form of birth control is way too common.

The left is going crazy over Wendy Davis, the abortion loving, filibustering Congresswomen from Texas, but I believe this picture circulating around Twitter says it best:

I proudly STAND4LIFE!

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