
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

IRS = What a Mess!

My head hurts just trying to wrap around the scandal that has become the IRS.  Officials are being called in to testify this week and I am sure that will lead to more questions and more hearings as the slow, creaky wheels of government try to make sense of the tyrannical actions of one of the most feared organizations in America.

Anyone who pays any attention to the news should remember hearing complaints by organizations that felt the IRS was unfairly targeting them.  The stories quickly subsided or got brushed aside.  They had to go away because a re-election campaign was underway!  This is all just a bunch of sneaky political game playing, well it would be a game if it weren't illegal.  So the IRS targets the Tea Party or pretty much any organization that sounds like it is pro freedom and liberty?  So they start targeting churches?  So they start targeting citizens?  It's not like its tyranny.  I mean, Obama just spoke at a graduation commencement and stated that college graduates should ignore the voices that said tyranny is around the corner, right?

Hello graduates - tyranny isn't around the corner.  It's here.  Right here.  Its 'in your face' kind of here.  This IRS scandal stinks of it.  It wreaks.

Sad thing is...I mentioned this to some people that I know.  People I know are educated, intelligent people.  They weren't even aware of it.  Just too much going on to watch the news.

This is what happens while America sleeps...ugh.

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