
Friday, March 29, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Don't look at the grass by the fence...or do, I guess.  I mean, it looks about the same as my garden bed...
I do not have a green thumb - at all.
But I want to learn soooo bad.  So I decided to try (again) to plant a garden.  I pulled weeds, planted seeds and I'm even trying some compost buckets.  I picked up these little trash cans at the dollar store and cut off the bottoms.  Then we buried them in the ground and put fruit and veggie remnants in the top so the little earthworms can get them from underneath.  We'll see if it works.  I do think the little squirrels that like to run our back fence enjoy them because there is one that is always empty the next day...
Now, if I can just keep the dogs from chasing each other through the beds, maybe we could get somewhere!

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