
Friday, February 27, 2015

The Time That Is Given

As I drove my kids to school today I had on talk radio.  This promoted discussion amongst my teenagers about world events, which I love.  We discussed the internet tax and the ammo ban, the Constitution and how governments grab more power and control over its citizens while the unknowing masses watch Hollywood trash.  And my already heavy heart grew heavier.

My babies are growing up in a world I don't even recognize anymore.  Our world is burning and spinning out of control.  I always thought of America as the voice of reason and strength throughout the globe, but what happens when that voice is gone?

I suppose that is the time we get on our knees and pray.  This world needs God.  This nation needs God.  I need God.

We are given time, it is a gift from a merciful and loving God.  And when I'm feeling helpless I need to realize that is something I can do; use the time that I am given for good.  Use the time that I am given to pray for God's healing to be poured out upon our broken world because it needs healing that only the Creator can provide.

So when you feel out of control, when you feel like things are moving too fast, things are too horrible and your heart is overwhelmed from the weight of the world's burdens, think about the time that you are given and use it well.

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