
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sweet Sixteen with The Bard

My middle daughter turned sixteen yesterday...

Where does the time go?  Really.  You hear people say that all of the time, but it's true.  Close your eyes and its sad.  But not to get teary eyed - cause as my girls are growing up they are becoming amazingly awesome!  I mean, how many 16 year olds want a Shakespeare themed birthday!?

That girl does, that's who.  So, being an obliging mother I threw her a Shakespearean family dinner party.  Like I have mentioned before, we just do family parties.  I figure, I gave them life, they can spend their birthday with me.

They doth not protest.

The trifold paper on the table is "how to use thou, thee, thy & thine" that I found here.  Well, actually I found it on Pinterest, that's just the link.

My husband had this Shakespeare bust on his desk.  And obviously her favorite color is purple...

Rose shaped lollipops...easy to find since her birthday is so close to Valentine's day!

She got some clothes.  A super cute navy dress with pink polka dots.  It looked like something that Clara would wear (Doctor Who)  so I stuck a note in that read, "a dress for the Impossible Girl".  I also got her a navy dress that had birds and feathers on it.  The note in that one read, "Mockingjay, dress like you are leading a rebellion".  I picked up some leopard print flats that were awesome, jeans, a long white shirt and a fabulous handbag.  Oh, and the DVD "Shakespeare Retold" that has 4 different plays put on with a modern spin.  The above is a handmade fangirl art project and I'm pretty sure it was the favorite of the gifts.  A montage of the characters she loves with the guys who play them.

Oh!  And we also did the Shakespearean Hokey Pokey.  (the girls won't allow me to post the video of them).  But it was great fun.  Another Pinterest find...Shakespearean Hokey Pokey

What a gorgeous child!  Happy Sweet Sixteen, pumpkin!

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