
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Casual Cos - Eleventh Doctor

I don't know about other Whovians, but the moment David Tennant's Doctor regenerated, the part where he looked like he wanted to cry and said he didn't want to go just made me crumble.  There weren't enough tissues in the house to handle the water works exploding out of my eyes.  And then this new guy had the audacity to climb out of Ten's Tardis!  How dare he??  Who did he think he was??  It was a very rough time for me.  But then Matt Smith said "fish fingers and custard" and I thought maybe, just maybe, I could give this quirky young man a try...
My daughters totally embraced Eleven, probably because he was younger.  Pretty soon everything was okay because everything was cool.  Even the dreaded knee length khaki shorts they had to have for color guard were acceptable.  My youngest even decorated a practice shirt that said "I wear khakis now, khakis are cool".  So I have a lot to thank Matt Smith for.  He made everything cool in our house.
Except the fez,  I just couldn't accept that as cool...

So, way to win me over, Raggedy Man. 

Eleven and his companions have been fantastic, but I know that another heart wrenching regeneration is coming.  So here is my tribute to River's flirty husband, a casual cos for the quirky cool Eleven.

(Ten, you're still my Doctor though <3)

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